The final results of the STORM and FLEXYNETS projects were presented during the Digital Heat event on 29 May in Brussels.
The event was jointly organised with the Flexynets project and showcased the latest technology developments on digitalisation in district heating, with STORM and FLEXYNETS as flagship projects developing first-of-their-kind technical solutions for intelligent district heating and cooling networks. Topics covered during the debates included smart district energy, sector coupling, electricity grid and storage integration, blockchain, AI, IoT, automation, and much more. With more than 100 attendees, the event proved to be a great success and gathered key experts from industry, EU institutions and associations.
The STORM Controller & Smart Energy Management Systems
The morning was dedicated to the STORM project and related topics. After the keynote speeches by Paul Voss, Managing Director at Euroheat & Power and Svet Mihaylov, Policy Officer at DG Connect, the results of the STORM project were presented. Sofia Lettenbichler, DHC+ Technology Platform, provided a general overview of the STORM project, its scope and the different workstreams, including the demonstration sites, and training activities. Then Christian Johansson, NODA Intelligent Systems, shared the latest test results and evaluation of the STORM controller in the two demonstration sites.
During the subsequent panel debate it became clear that intelligent controllers such as the STORM controller provide a tool to access relevant data, analyse it and act according to the information obtained. Smart Energy Management Systems (will) play an important role for decarbonising the heating and cooling sector: they can optimise energy efficiency for utilities and plant operators, AI-optmised systems are more adaptive, which facilitates the intagration of renewable sources, and provide additional services for consumers.

The FLEXYNETS Project & Smart Energy Sector Coupling
The afternoon session addressed the FLEXYNETS project’s final results and opened up the debate the energy sector coupling. Project coordinator Roberto Fedrizzi, EURAC, and Dirk Pietruschka, Enisyst, presented the final results of the project. FLEXYNETS developed and demonstrated a new generation of intelligent DHC networks that reduce energy transportation losses by working at “neutral” (15-20°C) temperature levels. Reversible heat pumps will be used to exchange heat with the DHC network on the demand side.
During the afternoon panel debate, the experts agreed that digitalisation is one of the factors that can drive energy sector coupling. Iit is required for optimised operation, but also planning and a digitalised energy system will require new business models. The trend of decentralised smart energy systems also favours energy sector coupling and requires the connection of market participants: from producers to pro/consumers, to local stakeholders and energy markets.

Digital Roadmap for District Heating and Cooling
The DHC+ Technology Platform together with its members has started a thinking process on how digitalisation impacts the District Heating and Cooling industry – work that was driven by the involvement in the STORM project. The Digital Roadmap for District Heating and Cooling provides a framework, presents the state of the art, identifies barriers and suggests objectives. You can read the first version, which was launched at the Digital Heat event, here.
Thanks for embarking on this digital journey with us!
Some highlights of the event in the gallery below
Programme (click on the names to access the presentations):
Keynote Speeches: Paul Voss – Managing Director, Euroheat & Power and Svet Mihaylov – Policy Officer, European Commission, DG Connect
Results of the STORM Project: Christian Johansson – CTO, NODA and Sofia Lettenbichler – Project Officer, DHC+ Technology Platform
Intervention on GDPR & Experience from Denmark: Steen Schelle Jensen – Head of Product Management Solutions, Kamstrup
Panel 1: Smart energy management systems – Moderator: Alessandro Provaggi, Head of DHC+ Technology Platform
- Anton Koller – Divisional President District Energy, Danfoss
- Matteo Pozzi – Partner & Chief Executive Officer, Optit
- Ebba Löfblad – Partner & Senior Consultant, Profu
- Henrik Wickström – Project leader Digital Services, Mälarenergi AB
Results of the FLEXYNETS project: Roberto Fedrizzi – Group Leader, EURAC and Dirk Pietruschka – Managing Director, Enisyst
Digital Roadmap for District Heating & Cooling: Dirk Vanhoudt – Senior Researcher, EnergyVille/VITO
Panel 2: Energy sector coupling – Moderator: Ralf-Roman Schmidt – Senior Research Engineer, AIT
- Cristian Muresan – Head of the Engie Lab ‘Future Buildings and Cities’
- Frauke Thies – Executive Director, smartEn
- Rodolphe de Beaufort – Project Director Digital, Tilia
- Daniel Trier – Head of Department & Project Manager, PlanEnergi
Final remarks: Karlis Goldstein – Policy Officer, European Commission, DG Energy