Would you like to learn more about digitalisation of DHC systems?
During the project, we offered a number of free project trainings for both professionals and Universities and teaching institutions.

Missed the trainings?
No worries, we recorded some webinars so you can still benefit from the content that has been developed. To get an introduction into the world of District heating and Cooling four webinar presentations have been created by ZUYD Hogeschool.
Part 1: An introduction into the world of energy and the need for heating and cooling networks
Part 2: History and functioning of heating & cooling networks
Part 3: Smart District Heating & Cooling in Rottne, Sweden
Part 4: Smart District Heating & Cooling in Heerlen, the Netherlands
Are you a professional?
Free training courses on technical and non-technical issues around smart DHC networks will be offered in a number of EU-countries and via webinars. The courses included topics such as planning, business models, legislative issues, permitting, consumer and social aspects, contracting, development and operation of DHC systems, ICT control frameworks for DHC networks, demand and energy balancing. Learn from best practices and experience of our experts.
Read up on the training reports.
Are you working for a university or a teaching institution?
The STORM project developed an educational package on digitalisation and DHC networks to be reused by other Universities of Applied Science. It consists of a basic preparation package, a theoretical package and a practical educational package that can be used by Universities, Universities of Applied Science and Teaching Institutions. Interested universities and institutions could take part in workshops that aim at facilitating to integrate the educational package into your curriculum!
Read up on the training reports for universities.