The STORM project

The STORM project

Balancing energy supply and demand in a district cluster of heat/cold producers and consumers


The STORM project

Boosting energy efficiency through the use of waste heat, renewable energy sources and storage systems at district level


The STORM project

Demonstrating the benefits of district-level smart control systems


The STORM project

Increasing awareness on the need to control DHC (district heating & cooling) networks in a smart way



The STORM project ā€“ Developed and tested an innovative District Heating & Cooling (DHC) network controller to increase the use of waste heat and renewable energy sources and boost energy efficiency at district level.

Testimonials from the demonstration sites:

peter bildIn order to remain competitive against alternative heating sources at the market, it is very important for us to keep our production costs down. The RME (bio-oil) consumption is an important key factor for us to impact, as we now, thanks to the STORM-project can influence even further. Despite the fact that RME is a fossil-free fuel, it feels both more sustainable and resource-efficient to be able to deliver heat, made of residues from the surrounding forests.

Peter Philipsson, Section manager operational support, Rottne production plant, VEAB

More about the VEAB demo site

partner mijnwaterThrough the STORM project we have been able to deliver our contribution to the development of the self-learning STORM controller. Implementing this controller in the operating system of our highly innovative 5G DHC system has led to such promising results in the areas of Peak Shaving (17.3%) and Cell Balancing (42.1%), that ā€“ due to these combined features ā€“ the capacity of our network can be enlarged with 52%. This potential of the controller gives Mijnwater the possibility to connect more buildings and companies to the same system, which will lead to significantly more positive business results. It is our intention -even after the STORM project has ended- to continue working on the development of the controller in the future, since we see a lot of potential when residual energy flows and thermal buffing also can be incorporated in the controller-model in order to achieve total and integrated energy management within the build environment.

Ed Smulders, Technical Manager, Mijnwater

More about the Mijnwater demo site

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