EnergyVille – where is it?
The 5th edition of the International DHC+ Summer School is organised in collaboration with EnergyVille, an association of the Flemish research institutes KU Leuven, VITO and imec in the field of sustainable energy and intelligent energy systems. Inaugurated in 2016, EnergyVille is an innovative project that has the objective of becoming one of the top five European institutes in innovative energy research. EnergyVille strives to be a driver in the Thor science park in Genk and a European reference in the area of research and business development. The DHC+ Summer School 2017 is the perfect occasion for students and professionals to experience in the first person the beginning of a pioneer project and explore the functioning of the newest installations for energy research in Belgium.
STORM involvement
EnergyVille/VITO is the coordinator of the the STORM project. Therefore it is not surprising that a whole day of the summer school week will be dedicated to the STORM project: On Wednesday, 30 August, participants will visit the STORM demonstration site in Heerlen, the Netherlands, a highly innovative geothermal district heating grid. Christian Johansson from NODA will furthermore explain the details of the STORM controller in a dedicated lecture.
More information on the summer school:
Why Belgium?
Even though Belgium is not one of the most advanced countries in terms of district heating and cooling development, the public and political interest for district energy is raising. The increasing political interest in the cities and municipalities currently reflects into a large number of feasibility studies for district heating. EnergyVille is strongly involved in the roll-out of district heating in Belgium, as an independent research company, by supporting the cities, provinces and regions in this transition towards a more sustainable heating and cooling future.
What’s on the agenda?
One of the strengths of the DHC+ Summer School in general is the well-structured programme that seeks for a strong correlation between theoretical lectures, site visits and group work. This year’s Summer School will explore in detail the evolution ‘from 3rd to 4th generation DHC networks’ combining lectures from the best professionals and academics in the sector, with guided site visits to real installations, such as the newly developed district heating network Nieuw-Zuid Antwerp, the highly advanced 4th generation network Mijnwater in Heerlen, or the first deep geothermal well in Mol. The International DHC+ Summer School also comprises networking activities such as dinners and group work to create connections between participants, facilitate exchange of knowledge and explore business opportunities for the future.
Where is the challenge?
The DHC challenge requires participants to work together in small groups to find innovative solutions for the development of district heating and cooling in Europe. Under the supervision of district energy experts, participants with different backgrounds share their knowledge and ideas and come up with great solutions for real problems, exploring different approaches to district energy planning.
How to register?
Find a detailed programme, participation fees and a registration link here. Register early and before the deadline of 30 July!
How to get involved?
All interested parties are invited to sponsor or collaborate with the 5th International DHC+ Summer School. This is an ideal way to demonstrate your organisation’s commitment to the field of sustainable energy and youth engagement. If you would like more information on sponsorship opportunities or you would like to suggest a possible collaboration, please contact Inés Arias Iglesias at dhcplus [at] euroheat.org